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Unboxing reaction

"It's so beautiful"

Unboxing video

are you a photographer instead? 👇

1. Show ❤️ family

Show yourself and your paw friend in the photo. We love to see your genuine relationship with your best friend!

1. Show ❤️ family
2. share ✨ story
2. share ✨ story

Silvercut Jewelry is made to eternalize the most special moments. Express what the jewelry piece means to you and tell your personal story.

3. display 🤩 jewelry

Make sure the Silvercut piece clearly visible and in-focus. Since the jewelry is fairly small, in order for people to see it, the piece needs to be in the centre of attention.

3. display 🤩 jewelry
4. Compare 🐾 details
4. Compare 🐾 details

If you're shy and don't want to appear on camera, you can focus on side-by-side photos of the jewelry and your paw friend.

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